
She walked up to me

smelling sweet

while I, stank

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of solanaceous vegetable and meat,

and secretion under the scorching sun!

"May I have many tomatoes

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and a kg of meat," she aforementioned to me

in a bearing depicting a lady of matter.

Her connective tissue was look-alike food scotch

and her hair

hung on her shoulders

carelessly, coolly...

Her steps, as I had noticed

sang of grace

and her voice

portrayed an symptom of self-esteem.

She was perfect,

or so I brainchild.

"Did you comprehend me, or are you deaf!"

She lashed out,

violently lashing me rear to awareness, world.

Awareness of her presence,

of her beauty, her grace, her fragrance, her smile

and of course her manners.

"I won't sell," I replied simply.

I provoked more than insults as she walked away.

She kept raving and ranting

but I undemonstrative my temper

Oblivious to the escalating attraction

then I caught a gleam in her eyes,

my heart thump lately paused

and she caught her breath

and we retributive smiled.

Hate and favored consolidated.

My utterer father erstwhile told me:

"Son," he aforementioned to me. "Never material possession a adult female and her ways-

she's as cunny and hard as a lion,

as humorous as a fox,

so flooded of muscae volitantes suchlike the leopard

and what's worse,

she's as lovely and sweet

as cherry, and all the more happy."

Now that's something.

Coming from a speaker that is.

Or what do you think?


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